Weaving together since 1953.

Welcome to RMWG.


Guild Charter

In January 1953, a group of weavers met to hear Miss Flora Dee Goforth, a dedicated enthusiast of Indian Art. During her talk, Miss Goforth suggested that the group might well emulate an Indian tribe and form an organization for the promotion of hand weaving. When the evening was over, a committee had been formed for the founding of a weavers’ guild.

Over fifty enthusiastic weavers attended the meeting the following month. The organization was named “The Rocky Mountain Weavers’ Guild.”

Today, the guild is incorporated as a non-profit enterprise and is dedicated to the purposes of meeting and exchanging ideas, helping and encouraging all weavers to achieve the highest standard of excellence, conducting workshops and programs for instructing its members, and stimulating public interest and appreciation for the art and craft of hand weaving. Meetings are usually held the third Saturday of the month, from September through May.



The Mission of the Rocky MountainWeavers’ Guild is to encourage excellence, to inspire creativity, and to preserve fiber traditions through education.


The Rocky Mountain Weavers Guild is an organization that welcomes many fiber artists - weavers, dyers, spinners, knitters, and crocheters. As a guild member one may partake in monthly membership meetings that often has a presentation, workshops, Fiber Sale, equipment rental, and fellowship with a common fiber interest.

Past Presidents

Past Presidents List

Current Board of Directors

President – Mary Wickler Peterson
President Elect – Kelly Stevenson
Treasurer – Erin Graham
Secretary – Tina Cowles
Communications Coordinator – Patsy Krechel
Education Coordinator – Mary Jeanne DeMarie
Education Elect – Open
Outreach Coordinator – Andrea Coyle

Meeting Location

Harvey Park Christian Church

3401 South Lowell Blvd
Denver, CO 80236


Thanks to the Board and the many, many volunteers who make the guild possible!

Photographers retain the copyright to each of their photos and have given the guild permission to use them here.
Do not save, reproduce, or publish photos without written permission from the artists.