Janice Ford Memorial Dye Garden

We're a group of textile fanatics from the Rocky Mountain Weaver's Guild who raise dye plants at Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms.

Indigo and the Dye Garden Video

This is the link to the video Marissa of Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms made for the volunteer summit of Donna doing an indigo demo and Cathy and Janet giving a tour of the our Janice Ford Memorial Dye Garden. I hope this link works. The video is titled, RMWG Final.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Rocky Mountain Weavers’ Guild Dye Garden Project is to preserve and promote the art and science of natural dyeing through outreach and collaboration with the Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms.

Meeting Times

During the summer months once the garden is planted the Natural Dye Garden Project (NDGP) meets at the garden every week on Wednesday mornings.

Media Presence

The Natural Dye Garden Project has a Facebook page and an Instagram. Visit them for up-to-date information about the doings of the Project.

Participation Requirements

1. Become a member of RMWG
2. Attend a DBG volunteer Training session

The Janice Ford Memorial Dye Garden is on DBG property. The natural dye garden project members are considered DBG volunteers and are required to go through a DBG volunteer training. This orientation is a couple of hours and also involves a one-time fee for a t-shirt, a required badge to wear while at the garden and also a background check. For volunteer training information contact via email or call 720-865-4340.


The Natural Dye Garden project studies the use of various plants for natural dyeing. The collaboration between RMWG and DBG Chatfield farms began with the first garden being planted in 2014. Along with doing research on what plants to grow in the garden, the RMWG natural dye garden project members also provide financial support through selling dyed products and volunteer time to tend the garden, harvest plant materials for dyeing and and printing. Most of the summer the group meets at the garden once a week for weeding, harvesting, and dyeing. We provide a dye session as part of the DBG summer kid’s camps and do dye demonstrations during DBG’s special events. If you are interested in natural dyeing and in helping to maintain the dye garden, please contact us via email.

Historical Information

The Janice Ford Memorial Natural Dye Garden Project is a collaboration between the Rocky Mountain Weavers Guild and Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms. The Janice Ford family donated seed money to the guild to help establish it in July 2013. Many people who were interested in natural dyes formed the natural dye study group, led by Donna Brown, who has been studying and dyeing with natural dyes for over 30 years. The RMWG provides financial support for the dye garden project, which is also supported by donations and fund raisers. Fencing, irrigation, and signage were the primary expenses in the first year, but there are ongoing expenses for seeds and support materials. Much of the labor necessary to establish the garden has come from the Natural Dye Study Group and other interested guild members.

Each year, the Natural Dye Study Group choses that year’s annual dye plants, obtains the seeds for Chatfield Farms to germinate and grow in their greenhouse, and plan the garden layout. The first planting was May 28, 2014. While most of the dye plants are grown as annuals some plants are biannual or perennial.

To volunteer at the dye garden, please email us.

Optional Donation

The Rocky Mountain Weavers Guild is a 501(c)(3) organization. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to support the Natural Dye Garden Project using Wild Apricot, click on the Donate button below. In Wild Apricot, on the blue navigation bar, click Donate, and fill out the info and at the drop down menu, click Dye Garden. (You can also do make a donation by sending a check to the treasurer at the guild address!).

Dye Garden Committee Files

Dye Garden committee members click below to access the password protected committee file storage page.